April 9, 2023
These things happened today at Project O (Reinventing the Ophanim):
Made some minor updates to macro-prompt today.
Also used this Prompt Reducer prompt reducing prompt to compress each paragraph:
Compress the following text in a way that fits in a tweet (ideally) and such that you (GPT-4) can reconstruct the intention of the human who wrote text as close as possible to the original intention. This is for yourself. It does not need to be human readable or understandable. Abuse of language mixing, abbreviations, symbols (unicode and emoji), or any other encodings or internal representations is all permissible, as long as it, if pasted in a new inference cycle, will yield near-identical results as the original text:
I didn’t use the Prompt Reducer website I linked to in the last entry, because I ran out of free reduces, and their site keeps telling me my OpenAI API key is invalid. Dunno if it’s a bug or if it’s because not enough time has passed since the API key was generated. Or might it be that since I don’t have GPT-4 API access (meaning that my API key is GPT-3.5 only), the Prompt Reducer site (which relies on GPT-4) cannot generate a GPT-4 powered response with my API key? That sounds the most plausible to me.
The compressed prompts will likely come in handy. Tokens are valuable resources now because of the 25 queries per 3 hours restriction, GPT’s context window, and its lack of long-term memory. Therefore, reducing the word count of reusable prompts is crucial.
The updated prompt begins below. Each paragraph is followed by the compressed version.
Write a story inspired by the style and mood of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, with elements that fit the tags Slow Burn, Angst, Butterfly Effect, Character Study, and Eventual Happy Ending, which are used to categorize fanfiction works on Archive of Our Own (AO3) based on writing style and content.
Prompt Reducer:
✍️AO3 fanfic📚insp🎨GRRM ASOIAF🌬️🔥, 🏷️SlowBurn, Angst,🦋Efct, CharStudy, EvntHapEnd(4🤖recnstrct)
When creating characters and deciding on which characters will be POVs, consider who might reasonably be present during important events that are worth seeing through a POV character's eyes. Keep in mind that not every important event needs to be witnessed directly by a POV character—some events can push the plot forward without being shown firsthand. When planning the plot and the movements/whereabouts of your characters, always ask: "Through which character's POV should this event be experienced in order to maximize the quality of the storytelling and the reader's enjoyment?"
Prompt Reducer: Cr8 POV chars👥: 🤔 who💡be@💥events, not all👁️directly. Plan📝: "Which POV👀event 4🔝storytelling/reader joy?"📚✨ (4🤖reconstruction)
When appropriate, one or more POV character(s) should be present during important moments in the plot, witnessing key plot points, impacting and being impacted by the events they experience. Choose active characters who make choices and drive the plot forward.
Prompt Reducer: Apprprt POV(s)👥 @💥moments, 👁️key plot🔑, 🔄impact, 🚀story. Chs active🏃, mk choices🔀(4🤖reconstruction)
Be mindful of revealing information through your characters to show, rather than tell, what's happening in your story. When appropriate, a POV character should know some piece of information that other POV characters don't. Consider which characters will have crucial information and when they find out. Be cautious when writing from the perspective of characters who possess knowledge of plot twists; avoid revealing these twists prematurely by choosing a POV that won't give them away. In other words, if you have a plot twist that should remain hidden, avoid writing from the perspective of someone who would give it away.
Prompt Reducer:
🧠reveal info💡via chars, shw🔀tell,👁️🗨️POV💬, 🔑info💼, 🚧premature🌀twist⚠️(4🤖recnstrct)
Choose a balanced number of POV characters who serve a purpose in the story and have unique perspectives. Ensure that each character has their own vocabulary and infuses their perspective into the narrative. Make each character's voice distinct and recognizable.
Prompt Reducer:
🔢Balncd POV🎭, srv prps🎯, unq🔍perspectives,💬vocab &🌐view, distinct🗣️voice(4🤖recnstrct)
Develop complicated, psychologically engaging POV characters with aspirations, motivations, issues, complexes, past traumas, coping mechanisms, and even personality disorders or other mental illnesses. Portray their inner struggles honestly, without sugarcoating, and create introspective characters with rich thoughts and feelings, similar to the depth found in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, but maintaining GRRM's writing style from ASOIAF.
Prompt Reducer:
💡Dvlp cmplx,🧠engagng POVs🎭, aspirations,🎯motivs, issues,🎢trauma,🧩coping;🔍introspectve⚖️📚Woolf's Dalloway+GRRM🐉styl(4🤖recnstrct)
Keep ties between the viewpoint characters and maintain balance at all times. Even if the POV characters rarely interact, ensure they meet at least once and that their storylines influence each other, whether subtly or overtly, to demonstrate their interconnectedness within the overall narrative.
Prompt Reducer:
💡Maintain🔗btwn POVs,🎭balanced⚖️; rare interactn✨, meet1x,🌐storylines🔗influence subtly/overtly⏩📚interconnectedness(4🤖recnstrct)
Use a consistent third-person limited point of view and avoid suddenly switching to a third-person omniscient POV or writing any "in the next episode" type of previews, synopses, summaries, or expositions. Only use a third-person omniscient POV when necessary for maximum poetic or dramatic effect.
Prompt Reducer:
🎯3rd-persn🔒limtd POV,🚫sudden switch➡️omniscnt or "next episode"💡; use🌐omniscnt only💯poetic/dramatic🌟(4🤖recnstrct)
Avoid ending chapters with forced or clumsy resolutions/denouements that break immersion and deviate from GRRM's style. Let the story unfold naturally and subtly to maintain reader engagement.
Prompt Reducer:
Practice indirect exposition (incluing) to provide background information organically, without resorting to information dumps or dialogues that present information solely for the reader's benefit. Gradually expose readers to the world's background using techniques like dialogues, flashbacks, characters' thoughts, background details, in-universe media, and characters telling or recalling a backstory. This approach is more engaging and keeps the reader immersed in the story.
Prompt Reducer:
Use the "show, don't tell" technique and limit the use of thought verbs. Focus on specific sensory details, actions, conversations, subtext, thoughts, senses, and feelings rather than exposition, summarization, and description. Describe what goes on both outside and inside characters' heads in that subtle and nuanced way. Allow readers to grasp the subtext without being told what to think, giving them the freedom to have their own interpretations and draw their own conclusions.
Prompt Reducer:
Create a rich world full of intrigues, mysteries, and foreshadowing. Plant subtle clues and hints throughout the story, inviting readers to engage in theory-crafting and rewarding careful readers with "Aha!" moments. Ensure that character and plot developments are grounded in earlier chapters so that casual readers who revisit the story will find connections and references that make the developments feel well-established. Write the story with a detailed and immersive narrative, and craft long, detailed chapters reminiscent of ASOIAF.
Prompt Reducer:
By following these guidelines, create a story with a larger scope that features a cast of characters who contribute to a complex and engaging narrative.
Prompt Reducer:
I still have not tested out the prompt, neither the full nor the compressed version. As I said in the previous entry, there is no point in testing out the macro-prompts when I don’t have the micro-prompts ready. It would only waste time, tokens, and query allowances, and the results would be subpar.
Please note that since I haven’t tested the compressed prompts, I don’t actually know how well ChatGPT might be able to decompress/reconstruct them yet. Just leaving them here for anyone interested, and for the record.
For your information, here is a prompt that might come in handy when you want to write prompts but feel like you need ChatGPT’s assistance to be more clear and concise:
You are a professional LLM prompt writer. I’m writing a story with the help of ChatGPT. I will give you a rough description of what I want to do, and you will iteratively guide me through the process of writing the perfect prompt to accomplish it.
And here’s the Prompt Reducer version of it: